* Start Here *

You can access the E-mail accounts setup by opening Microsoft Outlook, and clicking on

  1. "Tools"
  2. "Email Accounts"


3. This will bring up the E-Mail accounts screen (see below).


4. Once you've clicked 'next' you will be given the option to add accounts, or change existing accounts. Click the 'add' button to continue adding a new account.


5. Once you click the 'add' button, you will be asked to select the type of email server your account will be on. Ensure the POP3 setting is checked. Then click 'next'.


6. You will finally encounter the settings screen for your POP3 email account, where you are required to enter details such as the email account name & password, display name and incoming and outgoing servers.

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The details you entered on the prior page have been used to fill this form for you. Please copy and Paste these values into your own Outlook E-Mail Settings Window.
You can then test them by clicking the "Test Account Settings" button.



It seems you have selected Telstra Bigpond as your ISP. In this case, you have one extra step that needs to be completed. Once you have filled in your settings, click on the "More Settings" button. Another window will open up with 4 tabs at the top: General, Outgoing Server, Connection, Advanced.

Click on the "Outgoing Server" tab, and ensure that the tickbox is selected for:

"My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication"

Finally, input your Bigpond account username and password. This is used by Telstra to verify you are a valid user.

Once this has been filled out, simply click OK to close the window.
You can then test/finalise your email setup at the main screen (see step 6.).


Email input form

Please fill out the appropriate fields below.
Once you have completed this form, you can click the "submit" button to view an example of the Microsoft Outlook email setup page and the appropriate settings for your details.

Email Display Name
Email Address
Internet service provider