An Online Shopping Solution is a virtual shopping cart integrated into your web site which will allow your customers to browse and purchase your products. You will also be able to update your products online with ease.
What is Ecommerce?
Electronic commerce is the conducting of business communication and transactions over networks and through computers. Specifically, ecommerce is the buying and selling of goods and services, and the transfer of funds, through digital communications.
An Ecommerce website offers enormous potential benefits to businesses, whatever their size.
Benefits of Ecommerce
- Access to potential customers worldwide
- Sell direct to end-users
- Be as professional and credible as larger competitors
- 24-hour business with a website that accepts payments online
- Put the customer in charge - they can buy, browse, ask for help or track the progress of their order when they want
- Reduced marketing costs through word of mouth, e-mail recommendations and search engine ratings
- Customers log-in saving them having to re-enter their details every time they shop and giving you information about buying habits to refine your marketing, pricing strategies
Is it right for you?
Ecommerce is not about technology - it’s about your business. Consider the following questions to decide whether ecommerce will be a viable addition to your current business endeavors.
- Do you want to conduct your business online?
- Is there already an online market for your product? How successful is it?
- Is your product unique or hard to find?
- Will an online solution reduce your expenditures, help you sell more products or free up your time?
- Will you satisfactorily recoup cost and time outlays in the setup, use and maintenance?
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then perhaps you would like to consider an ecommerce solution.
The truth is, that just about every business can benefit from ecommerce in some way. The question is to what degree. Like any business decision the cost of e-commerce should never out way its benefits.
Features include:
- Web based administration
- Credit Card check out facility
- Fully integrated with your web site solution
Ask your consultant for further information.